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Transit ARTE

Miami Public Space Challenge

The main method of transportation in Florida is the automobile- despite traffic being considered utterly stressful. There are even some people who would rather pass time in the city until rush hour is over to go home. However, Miami-Dade has been implementing its mass transit but it's still not very prominent or as desirable as downloading apps for shared transport. Tourists, snow birds, students, and residents may not have vehicles to travel to the many events that Miami provides but they still manage to get there.


There is a way to mediate this! We can still stay active (healthy), safe, and support the environment by using the metroMover and the metroBus by creating and enhancing existing transportation stops, aka Transit ARTE. It is named Transit ARTE because the art and colors follow the stations or stops along the transportation route. Eco-Club Nation (ECN) identified multiple routes from Downtown to Wynwood to make transit safer, more seamless, and easier to find. With Transit ARTE, these stops will finally be seen, maintained by the community, and accessible to people of all ages. Underutilized spaces near these transit stops will also now have the opportunity to be accessible and more open to the public. What if there are community events and a movement to transform, re-orient, and revitalize the bus/metro stop? 





Each transit stop will be specific to location. Below is an example:

Step 1: Locate Bus/Mover Stop with its connections to main destinations (Wynwood, MDC, UM, etc.)

Step 2: Paint with vibrant and recognizable art elements (i.e. 3-Dimensional Art Deco palette)

Step 3: Add a [hanging] community garden for mental health or a shading device to protect from sun

Step 4: Display a permanent map (or existing gov. app) of transit from Wynwood </> Downtown

Step 5: Install a solar light or emergency box for night transit

Step 6: Wayfinding ground trails. Paint or use chalk on the sidewalk leading to a transit stop 


Safety - This transformed transit stop is now visible to everyone. Light, greenery, and shade.

Active Health - Walking from point A to point B to point C? Nobody wants to sit in traffic.

Community - It takes group effort to become involved and maintain / upkeep plants and art

Environment - Plants are great for health and fresh air. Mass transit is simply more energy efficient

Social - Considered a mini public space that speaks to art / community gardens and calls to artists

check out our google map

Edge of Wynwood:
Transforming Bus Stops that go into Downtown

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